Tuesday 24 April 2012

The place to "Meat"-Braza

What comes into your mind first when you hear the word "Brazil"?
Christ the redeemer? Definitely. Yellow jersey? Of course. Braziliana? Yeah, they are really hot.
But, I say, Brazilian Churrascaria.
Don't hurry to look for a dictionary. I will explain everything.
Long time ago, Shen told me he went to some random Brazilian BBQ restaurant in some dusty corner of Leichhardt where few have ever been to. He gave a really good comment and recommended me to go and have a try. Back then, I was just an ignorant mortal who thought that Brazil is never fameous for food. So I didn't take it serious.
Braza from outside
OMG, Meat!!!
Last week, I was wondering around near darling harbour with my girl friend. If you have always been to city on a regular basis, you will notice that the government had gave a face lift to the area between the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Center and the Chinese garden. Now they call it darling quarter. Now there lies a huge children playground. The Mcdonald has been moved to the other side. Along the same side of Macas, there are quite a few newly opened restaurant. When I walked pass this restaurant, the waitor attracted me. Please don't get me wrong, it was not some hot chick, and I am not interested in guys. Rather, specifically speaking, what he was holding grabbed my attention. It's a skewer, about a meter in length with some obviously decilious meat hanging on it. He was slicing the meat using a big knife and then placing it into the dishes in front of the customers.
And then, I started to look for the sign. Braza. Wait a second, Brazil, BBQ, Braza. This might be the one Shen told me about. Seeing is believing. I was convinced that it was worth trying. So we walked in.

When I step in, my first sensation is that I am in Brazil. The place is specially designed to create a tropical and exotic atmosphere. Roof is decorated with big silver palm leaves. Posters of Braziliana were hanging on the wall. Bright yellow light of the bar and the fast, happy rhythm from the band are just perfect match.

The thing

While I was waiting for the first skewer to come, I saw this little thing with green colour painted on one end and red colours painted on the other. Later I figured out that, if you are up to ear, red up, green down, then waitor wouldn't bother you with "Would you like blah blah blah" and leave you burping. If you are still good to go, green up red down. Smart way. And fun as well.
Ok. The feast began. Too many meat to remember. There are a lot of variaties. Here I will just talk about three of them which just blow me away.
Pineapple, my lover

1. Abacaxi-pineapple.
Yes, I am serious. This is my favourite. Charcoal grilled pineapple. Coated with sugar and cinnamon powder, then slowly roasted on charcoal fire until the mixture melt. The combination of smokey flavour from the charcoal and the spicy taste of cinnamon is just magnificant. Sweet, and a little bit sour. The flavour really explodes in my mouth. When you feel full, have a piece, and you are ready for another round.
2. Frango c/bacon- Chicken breast with bacon.
The combination of chicken and bacon is always a classics. Tender chicken marinated in special sauce and then wrapped with bacon and roasted till bacon is crispy. I just couldn't resist the strong flavour charcoal.
3. Camarao- prawn
Ok. It's garlic prawn cooked using charcoal. So it's no longer typical garlic prawn, or rather, garlic charcoal prawn. The prawn is fresh and juicy. The use of red chilli is brilliant.
Chicken breast wrapped with bacon
I couldn't remember when was the last time that I ate this much. At the end I had to loose my belt a little bit.
Braza, Bravo.

+:great location, exotic decoration, excellent food and service
-: expensive drinks, music a little bit too loud, limited dining time, ending up had too much meat and little veges, thirty after meal
Will I go back again?
Of course. I fall in love with these pineapples.
How to get there?
Jump on a train to Townhall. Then walk to the darling harbour.

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